HIGHEST QUALITY FOR AN AFFORDABLE PRICE: GENYAL- High end HA- filler manufactured using the latest technology- an ingenious product!
for the treatment of most types of wrinkles with the exception of very expressed ones. Also suitable for lip contouring and a moderate lip augmentation.
for the treatment of very expressed wrinkles. The result lasts up to 15 months.
The GENYAL products consist of cross-linked hyaluronic acid of highest quality. Manufactured in Switzerland, they are based on a new technology that enables the production of absolutely pure and completely homogeneous, monophasic hyaluronic acid. The program is very clear and user-friendly: With just two products you can cover all indications of “face rejuvenation”:
Genyal Polyvalent is a very versatile hyaluronic acid filler for the treatment of almost all types of wrinkles, with the exception of very deep and pronounced ones. There is no need to have many different products on stock!
Genyal Polyvalent can also be easily injected through needles and cannulas with a small diameter. Depending on the depth and localization, you can choose different needles and cannulas, the product always remains the same! Genyal Polyvalent is also very suitable for optimizing the lip contour and for moderate augmentation of the lip.
Genyal Volumae is the ideal product for volume augmentation in the face as well as for the treatment of deep, expressed wrinkles. Despite its high viscosity, it is very easy to inject.
The innovative technology of manufacturing leads to a very pure and stable product, the result of it is a long lasting effect, up to 15 months.
POLYVALENT and VOLUMAE have the following essential characteristics:
-monophasic, completely homogeneous gel, easy to inject
-very pure, excellent biocompatibility
-long lasting results
-high quality, affordable prices